Planning the Model Railroad
Sub Roadbed and Track Wiring Setup
By Kevin C
Once I have finished drawing the full size track
plans of the layout that I want to use and before I set out the track, I
usually work out the switching locations and signals etc. and mark these on the
plan. Also, I plan the road crossings so that I can install the crossing light
switching in the right place. Then I draw the wiring circuits on the plan in
different colors as it is very easy to miss a connection when setting out the
track. Recently I was given a quantity of computer data cable with four pairs
in the following colours
• Orange - Orange White
• Brown - Brown
• Blue - Blue
• Green - Green White

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As these wires are twisted together and
have a plastic former to separate them and are housed in a blue plastic cover. They are easy
to use. If more than four wire pairs are required simply add another cable and label them as
1, 2, 3, 4, etc with a fine permanent pen on the plan and cable. I also mark the relays the
same way if more than one relay is required. By taking measurements from the plan I make up
each switching circuit on the work bench and when completed I label them and the plan then
they are ready to install as the track is laid.
Track Sub Roadbed
Using a second set
of plans transfer the curves sidings etc to the timber you intend to use for the track sub
bed, and you can use a number of different woods for these from plywood to MDF or even
timber planks, however you will need to cut the curves from plywood or MDF. Leave gaps if
you intend to have bridges and take a small notch out of each end so that the bridge will
sit at the correct height allowing for the thickness of the cork road bed so that the track
does not bend upwards. I lay the cut pieces over the table frame and secure them with speed
screws (double the thickness of the board). I use the ones that take the number 2 square
drive. Also an electric screw driver is a good tool to have.
The curves I cut on
my band saw. (A jigsaw is equally as good.) I cut these 20mm each side larger than required
as then I have a good edge to attach the scenery to. Once I have finished these I cut the
actual track bed from 9 mm MDF or ply wood and shape the sides to represent the raised track
ballast. The first part of the shaping is done with a spoke shave or wood rasp then sanded
with a 150 grit sand paper taking care at the joins so that the edges match and there are no
sharp edges. Secure these to the track sub board with PVA glue keeping the equal spacing
from the edges with smaller square drive screws i.e. 20mm x 8. I space these at 150 mm. Next
cut the trenches for the reed switches so that they sit in the trench just below the top of
the board and drill a hole at each end to take the wires under the track bed as per your
plan and glue the reed switch in place with just a drop or two of PVA
Then I lay the cork track bed along the
entire length of the track just securing it with PVA glue. Sticky back cork tiles cut to
size are a good substitute. The track pins will push through the rail tie and the cork. I
then use a nail punch and small hammer to gently tap them home as I lay the track, being
careful not to break the track ties and distorting the track.
Take your time and get the joins right first time
as these joins if not done properly it will be a point where most derails will occur. If
using flexi track, ensure that the straights are indeed straight and the curves are even.
Cut only one rail for the isolation points for your signals and use plastic rail joiners to
hold these in position making sure there is enough gap so that the rails do not touch. (Most
plastic rail joiners have a spacing section in them.)
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Signals can be set at eye level for the engine
driver or low to the ground in marshalling yards once the signal is in place it can be held
with a drop of PVA glue. I paint the poles with a rust coloured paint. Each LED can be
bought with a current limiting resistor for 12 volt operation and these must be used on each
wire when connecting to a relay or switch. A double throw double pole switch or relay is
needed to operate the signal. It should be wired so that the red LED is on when the power is
off at the rail to stop the train. You can file the end of the rail pole where it pokes
through the base board to take a chocolate block connector with three connectors, the middle
one for the pole and one at each end to make the connections to the thin wire after
scrapping the enamel off and you can use a heavier wire to connect to the relay and
resistor, and the middle connector for the negative or common wire.

Power and Track
Once the entire track is laid I put in the wiring
and I use aluminium cable clips (the same that electricians use for house wiring), to hold
the cables in position, making sure to use longer ones where the most cables need to be.
Lighting, animation, signal and control cables are run together and clipped in
I usually keep track power cables separate and
these follow the track with lighter wires connecting power all parts of the track so that
continuity is maintained, or via the signal relay for track control. For connection to the
main cable I keep the wire connections 3 inches apart so that they cannot flash together
causing a short circuit.
A small hole right next to the track is best so
that these wires pass through the holes which helps keep them in place. The bared end of the
wire is bent at right angles so that it lays in the neck of the rail. A point to watch here
is the correct connection of positive and negative to the track to avoid a short circuit. It
is easier to hide these smaller wires in the scenery and soldering them to the outside of
the track so that there is no interference with the wheel flanges, filing the solder so that
it is lower than the head of the track so that the wheels do not bump as they run over these
sections as this will cause derailments.
Treat all connections this way and those coming
from the reed switches can be soldered to the relay making sure that the connections are
right. There should be a wiring diagram with each relay showing each connection. To make a
relay self latch you use one set of contacts to supply power to the coil of the relay so
when activated it keeps the power to the coil on and the power running through another relay
that will disconnect the power when activated by the second reed switch returning the relay
to its normal position. Relays can be taped together in batches if a number of them are
required and then taped to the bench frame work with a good quality insulation or duct

Fig 1 Self latching relay circuit with extra
relay reset circuit with reed switch activation.
Red wire +12 volts positive
Black wire -12 volts negative
Blue wire + 12 volts latch circuit.
Relay 1 contacts normally open will close when
activated. Relay 2 contacts normally closed will open when activated thus resetting relay 1
by shutting off the power to relay 1’s latching circuit.
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basic relay circuit can be used for signals and track isolation, railroad
crossing signals etc. although if used for railroad crossing you will
need to add two more reed switches wired in parallel with those shown
and these need to be set up at a distance
where the train has cleared the road crossing. If done properly they will
work with trains running in either direction. A led flasher circuit would
need to have the crossing lights working.
On my set I use an NE555 timer integrated circuit on a small printed circuit
board working on 9 volts DC so it is recommended that a separate power supply
is used. I use a mains voltage to 9 volt battery eliminator bought from a local
electronics store, or an old mobile phone charger providing the output is 9
volts DC.

Fig 2. Circuit for NE555 flasher for railroad
crossing lights.
This circuit will run 4 LED’s with two in
parallel where 1 is shown in the circuit (make sure they both are connected as shown in fig
3.) I also recommend that the I.C. have a socket as soldering heat could damage the I.C. Pin
1 has a dot next to its pin on the I.C case. Flash rate can be changed by lowering the
trigger resistor (39K) to 27 K. For HO gauge I use 3mm LED’s.
The Ne555 is ideally suited for this operation being a timing I.C. The two
flashes will maintain equal timing. I also used this circuit to simulate traffic lights on
an intersection by increasing the value of the trigger resistor and making the trigger
capacitor to 10 uf. I could slow the rate to one a minute for each LED and by adding a
variable resistor you can change the rate to suit. However it does not have the yellow
Fig 3. Two red LED’s
connected in Parallel. Make sure only one of each is in each light
The use of electronics is
increasing in model Railroading and can add more realism to your layout. DCC is
becoming more common place and with the realistic sounds it is making the model
world more and more like a full size railroad in miniature. There are many
excellent books on Electronics in Model Railroading at most hobby shops and
preferred book stores.
Most parts these days can be bought online or
direct from electronic retailers. The printed circuit board can be sourced from a printed
circuit board manufacturer who will be able to make up the circuit on the board and
screen print the board for placement of components but this service may not be cheap. I
recommend that a tinned board is best as it is easier to solder the components. A cheaper
option is to use a premade bread board or matrix board, but knowledge of how to set these up
would be required. I would recommend the use of PCB screw connectors to attach wires to the
printed circuit boards and these are available in 2 and 3 connector blocks quite cheaply and
that can be mounted side by side on the board for multi connections.
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